How to Stand Out in Saturated Markets | Udi Ledergor @ Gong

I recently sat down with Udi, the former CMO of Gong.

Yes, the same Gong that he helped scale from $0 to $200M+ in revenue.

Impressive, right?

Gong isn’t just about the numbers. It’s also known for being one of the best brands out there.

We’re talking differentiation, killer content marketing, and transforming your entire team into marketers.

Not just the marketing team.

This was a masterclass.

We covered it all in 30 minutes.

And let me tell you, you’ll learn more in those 30 minutes than most 4-year marketing degrees.

One of my favorite quotes from Udi:

"Being different is better than being better."

Think about that.

It’s not always about having the best product. Sometimes, it’s about standing out.

In a sea of sameness, be the one that’s different.

That’s the Gong way.

That’s the Udi way.

And it can be your way too.

Vamos, time do do great marketing.


Distribute just launched our integration with Gong. Use your call transcripts to create sales collateral for your prospects. It’s insane.


What’s your favorite kind of taco? Reply to this email and let me know =)

Hasta Luego,
