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  • Want to Sell Me Your App? First, Show Me How It'll Slay My Dragons!

Want to Sell Me Your App? First, Show Me How It'll Slay My Dragons!

Good morning to everyone except the people who leave shopping carts in parking spaces ☠️

"#1 Newsletter of the Year" 🏆️ -Andy’s Wife


Canada's Population Party: More Poutine, Please!

Pack your bags because we're headed up north to the land of hockey and poutine!

Canada is having a population party and everyone's invited!

The government has just thrown the doors wide open with a bold immigration experiment.

They've set an ambitious goal of adding 500,000 new permanent residents a year by 2025.

Why, you ask? To keep Canada's economy youthful and vibrant!

Sounds like a social media strategy, right? Always hunting for fresh, engaging content to keep your audience hooked!

While other high-income economies are grappling with an aging population and a shrinking workforce, Canada is all, "Hold my maple syrup!"

They're hoping these newcomers will look after the elderly, invent new tech, and perfect the art of Timbits-making!

96% of the over 1 million people added to Canada's population last year were from foreign arrivals.

That's like seeing a sudden influx of leads from a new market segment. Unexpected but welcome!

Canada's population growth rate is now at 2.7%, the fastest among the world's high-income economies.

So, here's the lesson, GTM Trailblazers:

Sometimes, you gotta think outside the box... or in Canada's case, outside the border!

Now, I'm off to brush up on my French...

Until next time, folks! Remember, success is about staying open to new opportunities... and maybe a fresh batch of Timbits!


Honestly it's more like a dot than a circle now


Start Writing On Linkedin In 30 Days

(with a community of 4,000+ others)

It feels scary to create content for 2+ years.

  • It feels daunting to create content for 2+ years. You won’t see much growth, or many opportunities, in the early stages.

  • You’ll have to get over the fear of judgment from friends, family, and strangers on the internet.

  • You’ll have to figure out what you’re going to talk about, and why anyone would care what you’ve got to say.

  • You’ll need to learn about writing frameworks, writing headlines, creating new ideas, formatting, and continuing when no one is reading.

  • You’ll worry that you’re going to run out of ideas.

  • You’ll be constantly thinking about the LinkedIn algorithm, while simultaneously trying not to think about the LinkedIn algorithm.

  • You’ll end up getting tons of DMs from other people, figuring out which opportunities you should be going after.

This is hard.
It takes a lot of work.

But it’s also really fun, and if you can make it work, it’s genuinely life-changing.

The Brand30 Course & Community

The Brand30 community is a 30-day live cohort-based course where I’ll teach you everything I know about how to build and grow your LinkedIn into a sustainable machine that churns out valuable content for your audience and generates healthy opportunities for you, without having to quit your job.

💀 Issue #100-and-something 💀

Want to Sell Me Your App? First, Show Me How It'll Slay My Dragons!

Hey you,

Yeah, you! The ambitious, go-getter, slightly sweaty SDR/AE reading this.

Lean in. You're about to get a truckload of TRUTH dropped on you.

So here's the NUMBER ONE mistake you guys make.



You forget to show how your shiny new app is going to slay my TOP problem.

Yes, the "Mother of All Problems" (MOAP).

Instead, you chat about:

  • Dazzling features that blind me with their chrome-like shine.

  • Who's Numero Uno in the app world. I mean, come on, this ain't a sporting event.

  • Buying me a coffee. Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good latte as much as the next java junkie...but really?

Honestly, I don’t give two hoots about all that jazz.


EVERYONE cares about vanquishing their Top 3 problems.

The big, hairy, anxiety-inducing problems that keep them up at night.

So next time, focus on those.

Show me how your app is going to be my knight in shining code and conquer my MOAP.

Then, my friend, you’ll have me hooked and reaching for my credit card faster than you can say, "Would you like whipped cream with that?"

In the end, it's all about the problems, amigos.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to be the problem-solver, not the problem-maker.

And remember...

There's no better sell than a solution.

So go out there, and start slaying those problems!

With respect and java,


P.S. That coffee offer? Not entirely off the table. Just remember to lead with the solution, then we can talk caffeine.


  • Personaliz: 2x your reply rate with fully personalized AI emails (link)

  • AI Resumes: Leet combines decades of research and AI to deliver free resumes in minutes (link)

  • Virtual CMO: Solve any marketing problem in 1 minute (link)


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That’s a wrap for today amigos. Eat your tacos and see you tomorrow! If you want more, be sure to follow me on Twitter (@andymewborn) or LinkedIn.

What did you think of today’s edition? (anonymous)


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